To join the conference please register on the conference website.

To organize the conference in the virtual environment smoothly, we would like to ask you to read the instructions carefully.

You can find the program of the conference on the website with the links for the different sessions. We want to kindly ask you to register for the session or workshop you want to participate at least one day before the event. After the registration, you will receive on your email a unique link to join the session. 

There are types of conference sessions for which we recommend you to prepare ahead of as a participant. 

The session with presentations:

  1. Please get familiar with all presentations in the session in advance. They are available on the website of the conference.
  2. Each team will get 2-minutes elevator pitch which will end with one provocative, challenging question to the audience
  3. Those questions will be a starter for our discussion after we hear the first round of the presentations.

The session with posters:

  1. Please, get familiar with the posters of this session in advance. They are available on the website of the conference.
  2. At the beginning of the session, each presenter will be given a 1-minute elevator pitch and then you will be invited to join them in break-out rooms according to your choice.
  3. You will have an opportunity to attend 3 or 4 different poster presentations. Each presentation, including interactions from the audience, is scheduled for 10 minutes.


The sessions with the panel discussion, keynotes, and workshops you can attend without any special preparation. 

We are looking forward to meeting you on-line.